"Nagmani" is nothing but the unused venom by cobra.
If a cobra doesnot use the venom, then it kinds of gets curdled up to forma ball & gets bigger & bigger each day.
Now does it have any special powers, I have not seen or exprerienced it personally. What I have seen is 2 snakes dancing with eachother. This happened @20 years back, when Pune was not so wide spread. In a area called Kothrud where land was still not developed into buildings. In the plot next to my friend's house we saw these 2 snakes moving & swaying in a way that looked like they were dancing. My friends mom asked us not to distrub them & we had to move away from there.
Other reason to believe this is that India is a place where science & logic defying things happen. In the main temple in Gujrat/India, Shankheshwar the main idol is hanging in the air. I have personally seen this & my mom/grandmother vouch this.
The pujari every now & then wipes the place beneath & behind the idol with a rod wrapped with cloth. My mom says that this gap was much more when she was a kid.
Now if this can happen, why can't the story of nagmani & nagiins be true.
Wer'e so sure that every thing the west says is true & our history is just mythology. Even Ramayan/Mahabharat is mythology just because it happened so manu years back. This is just so sad.
I'm not asking you asks to blindily believe our Culture, but saying that it's a myth just because USA is not in search of it,. Now that's wrong.
I can go on & on but I'll end here
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Thursday, January 26, 2017